Thursday, April 28, 2011

~ntah apa-apa~

ntah nak ckp apa dah... entah la...sombong&bodoh&berlagak..
org sombong&bodoh&berlagak ni mmg menyakitkan mata btl la.. kalo btl pandai tu xda la bodoh sgt... spesis org cmni..pandai sikit da berlagak..padahal xda la pandai tahap prof pun... adei.. even kalo pandai pun jgn la berlagak bagai org yg pandai segala2 nya...kne ingt...sepandai2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga... sepandai2 manusia ramai lg yg pandai tau...

ssh la kalo berdepan org yg prasan bgs ni... ntah la...i x say i am a gud least i realized i am not clever enough n still had effort to learn... compare to those yg br pandai sikit da berlagak...ntah la...byk sgt nmpk spesis org cmni... bukan nak kutuk tp nak nasihatkan.. kalo jd manusia tu at least try la be humble...jgn la nak tunjuk lagak kalo pandai skalipun...ingt..sepandai2 kita..ada lg org yg jauh lg pandai dr kita...

org cmni kalo sombong&bodoh (blh dipanggil bodoh sombong..kwn ajar masa keje dulu..hahhah) kalo bodoh tp berlagak plak ktorg panggil ( org x sedar diri..haahhaha)

anyway,  ni sbg nasihat kpd teman2 n also myself...x point finger to anyone...juz as an advise only... heheehe
kne ingt... Tuhan bg kepandaian kpd seseorg supaya blh membantu manusia yg lain utk belajar... bukan kepandaian utk seorg je.. Tuhan x prnh jdkan manusia sbg org yg bodoh sejak lahir... tp Tuhan memberikan tahap pembelajaran yg berbeza kpd setiap org... ada yg cpat blajar n paham ada yg lambat paham n kene try hard utk belajar... dats y Tuhan mencipta manusia sedemikian kerana Tuhan hendak melihat sejauh mana kasih syg n sikap tlg menolong antara manusia yg diciptanya sbgaimana Tuhan membantu manusia begitulah Tuhan hendak manusia slg membantu... :)) so... bg yg pandai2 tu kna la tlg kwn2 yg krg pandai...
jgn la berlagak n sombong dgn kepandaian yg ada... myb one day org yg kurg pandai itu juga la yg akn membantu anda ketika ssh nnt... PIKIR-PIKIRKAN LAH...~~~


Feel really nervous that i'm going to exam exactly this friday.. 
Anxious...nervous....feel sick.. thrill... all mix feeling on my exam...

Reli cool rite? hahahha not cool at all actually cz its a last minute study...but its all my fault n my own choice that i wana study last minutes...but at least i dun blame others if i failed or x had gud result... hahahha no one to blame..u must realize ur own responsibility for ur own action...not others to blame...

With colorful font...i kinda like it..make me more interested to write more in the future...yeah...

well. i need to get back study...

Till then,


L.X a.N.d.R.a

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

~bla bla~

dunno wat to say


~wat would happen if i had change the setting??~ wondering mode

yeah!!! i had finally can change my font color!!! yesh!!!

*happy mode*

~mix n match design~

i wana the new design for my blog...i wondering how to make my blog looks more interesting? now my blog had somekind of fall theme.. with the flower n things lidat.. but...the background i want smt more pretty..i dun understand how to make my blog post space to be bigger.. n also i had probs to make my font change its color even i had tried a zillion million times n click to change the color but everytime i post it would turn back to dull black color..haiz...

till then,


L.X. a.D.r.A

Saturday, April 23, 2011 header~ yay

finally i had finish designing my blog header... its d easies way i guess...i think thr are still lotsa more that i need to learn to improve my header... i wan my pic look transparent..smt creative myb in the future.. hehehhe

i wana make the background more clearer after this... make it more sharp..but yeah..i'm still in learning process of my own blog... i x need ppl to teach me as i like learn things by my own.. its a satisfaction whn u r able to design ur own blog..i admit i'm not expert in term of blog designing but at least i had tried my best.. heheheh

even though its not beautifully done but i guess thats it for now..

till then,


L.X. a.N.d.R.a

Sunday, March 27, 2011

~ konvo 46th job~

ok... now its a work as an usher started... we had been this usher for convocation for 3 years already without even realize it!!! Hooray!!! yeah.. well.. its a long journey..

now i am wondering..who will be next that will replace us and pegang all the tepak sirih, bunga telur n bunga manggar... rasa cam kisah mentor pla ni..kna la cr mantee kan? hahahhaa
credits to Bunga.. she had found da junior to learn with us the work.. the job that we do looks easy but not as easy as ppl think..eeemmm.. i think so..

maybe i will upload it later bout the work that we do...
now, i cant wait to had my own convocation day... finally, its only 1 year left n i can fly d..hahahhahaha juz like my fren say.. hope so..again.. hehehehi will upload the pic once i had collected it from my frens.. ok.. sooo long.. till then..


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

~my 23rd~

this post are specially dedicated to all my gurl besties that had celebrated my bday on 11/3..feel reli touch n dunno wat more words can i say...:))
actually my bday wish that i didnt tell them was.. (apart from hoping that i would b successful&rich in da future..) i also wish that our frenship will stay da same until the end of time..and also wish all of them had a good life n future ahead...(being emo n touch in front of ppl really not my type) hahaha so i juz keep the wish to myself & hoping they wont read this...heheheh (hope so..even if u had read pls act like u dont) hahahah

this bday was indeed surprise to me even though i had smell fishy thgs goin on but i juz ignore it n damn yeah...i'm quite surprise..not easy make me surprise cz i had surprise detector.. hahahhhah

so now i wana share those memorable pc with u guys on my 'youth' day... ~~~
location for da SURPRISE bday was at Johnny's Restaurant...*-*

This is the restaurant..

Muka2 'Criminals' yg menjayakn celebration..hehehe
last pic at the right were pic we all together wif nini as d photographer..

photo of the cake n me & The all time traditions.. sesi menyuap kek...yuummm

The yummy foods... i choose yam flavour of ice cream for dessert..:)
for mamam pic i'm lazy to upload as u can see all them at their blog too..
yum yum..

next stop were the karaoke moment at ---> MY IDOL..
the place whr we sang out our voice out... i gt no talent in singing..juz assume me as a frog singing.. heheheh

the happy face during karox... more pic were kept as i'm lazy too upload more..

after tired singing from MY IDOL..we went to hv a drink n chill out at..... ---------> STATION ONE...
here is da place that i got 2nd surprise... They asked the singer on the stage to sang happy bday song to me... (adui..terkena lg second time...) sgt malu cz ppl ard look at me.. hahahha but it sweet though...:))

the 3rd stop at Station One whr we had chill n had our supper...:)) *-*

lastly we went back n watch movie at Siella room..hehehe whr we spend the rest of the nite sleep over at her rooms...

A REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG THX TO EMA, AMY, SIELLA, NAD n NINIE for the bday celebration n all those sweet memory will safely kept in my heart n my mind forever..

well, i wont say this in front of u guys cz i'm macho types (cheewwwaahhh) hahahah i juz wana u guys knows that u guys had make me happy n even though we had diff personalities but u guys were the friends that accompanied me through gud times and bad times..

personally :
----->>>> ema: trima kasih ema cz dr 1st yr lagi awk menjadi kwn baik sy kat UTM.. sy harap wish bday ni smoga awk akan hapi2 slalu.. bahgia bersama khairi slamanya..awk la tukang nasihat yg plg bgs antara kmi smua n sy harap smoga kita akn kwn slama-lamaya.. walaupun kita jauh nnt kalo dh kje..contact2 ler slalu k?? hehehe

----->>>> siella: thx sgt2 cla... walaupun time 1st year sy xla rapat sgt dgn ko tp dh lama2 kita smua dah jd kwn rapat yg rapat sgt2..(jgn pikir bkn2) heheh lawak yg ko slalu buat n gaya happy go lucky ko xkan sy lupa slamaya.. ko mmg ada personaliti yg baik cz tiap kali stress kalo dgr cara ko bercakap sy rasa lucu pla tiba2.. kakakakka indai mayau kataka..heheheh thx soo much cla... ko mmg kwn yg baik...:)

----->>>> amy: thx so much amy..for all n pic bday also :)) ku xtau la apa mok padah ngn ko... ko pun sama ngn dak lain.. best friend ku kat UTM.. thx soo much ex-rumate for da wonderful bday celebration n be my friend.. walaupun ko n nini suka bertekak tp tu la yg jdkan korg rapat kan2.. hahahahhaa
suara ko yg high pitch ku xkan lupa n trima kasih la atas sumbangan suaramu itu spy ku akan ingt slamaya..hahahhahaha XD thx fren

----->>>> ninie: thx soo much nini for everythg include pic bday.. walaupun kita mula2 xla rapat sgt bah kan.. tp xsangka ni sy blh jd kwn ko smpai skrg...(cheewwaaahhh ayat xblh tahan) i will always remember u as a friend yg suka brg2 make up..ada byk koleksi nail color.. n org yg suka make up kan org..hehehe smua antara kmu ada keunikan masing2 which the specific things i will kept in my memory.. u are the fun gurl i had met at UTM..heheheh thx frens..:) walaupun ko suka btekak sma amy tp benda tu la akn sy lucu..wahahahhahah XD

---->>>> nad: thx sooo much nad!!!! thx cz jd kwn sy.. sy ingt lg dulu masa 1st yr sy xla rapat dgn skrg sy hapi sgt dpt kwn dgn ko yg blur2 ni..hahahha sy akan ingt tu prangai kartun ko tu..heheheh sy mo ko tau sy selesa kwn ngn ko slama ni..walaupun sy ada marah ko ka apa ka.. tp sy mo ko tau sy sorry ya kalo buat ko marah..akakakakkaak personally sy rasa ko pny english pny ayat plg bgs antr kita smua (cz ayat novel) ehehhehehe sy akan slalu ingt ko sbgi kwn yg suka baca buku n pasal quote.. hahahahha harap sikap ko yg kartun n blur tu akan kekal cz tu antr faktor penyumbang kpd lawak..heheheheh thx soo much nad
"every special moment with u guys are very valuable memory for me...all of ur diff personality had coloured up my daily life... without u guys my days will be black & white... n no more joy and fun.."

---->>>> Kak Cik: kak cik..jiwa rempitmu aku xkan lupa.. aku akan ingt hng sbg kwn yg happy go lucky and jenis yg OK JA MANA2.. tu la trade mark kak cik... thx kak cik cz sudi jd kwn yg sgt2 baik kpd aku yg x baik ni ha... thx soo much kak cik.. aku suka stail kak cik jenis yg x kisah n cool ja... kita smua mmg ler ada character sendiri and aku happy cz kita leh gak kawan rapat smpai skrg.. walaupun hng xde dgn aku time bday aku tp aku happy sgt dpt wish bday dr hng..thx sooo much kak cik


p/s : I LOVE YOU GUYS... (benda yg sy x suka ckp dpn korg) hahahaha


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