Thursday, April 28, 2011

~ntah apa-apa~

ntah nak ckp apa dah... entah la...sombong&bodoh&berlagak..
org sombong&bodoh&berlagak ni mmg menyakitkan mata btl la.. kalo btl pandai tu xda la bodoh sgt... spesis org cmni..pandai sikit da berlagak..padahal xda la pandai tahap prof pun... adei.. even kalo pandai pun jgn la berlagak bagai org yg pandai segala2 nya...kne ingt...sepandai2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga... sepandai2 manusia ramai lg yg pandai tau...

ssh la kalo berdepan org yg prasan bgs ni... ntah la...i x say i am a gud least i realized i am not clever enough n still had effort to learn... compare to those yg br pandai sikit da berlagak...ntah la...byk sgt nmpk spesis org cmni... bukan nak kutuk tp nak nasihatkan.. kalo jd manusia tu at least try la be humble...jgn la nak tunjuk lagak kalo pandai skalipun...ingt..sepandai2 kita..ada lg org yg jauh lg pandai dr kita...

org cmni kalo sombong&bodoh (blh dipanggil bodoh sombong..kwn ajar masa keje dulu..hahhah) kalo bodoh tp berlagak plak ktorg panggil ( org x sedar diri..haahhaha)

anyway,  ni sbg nasihat kpd teman2 n also myself...x point finger to anyone...juz as an advise only... heheehe
kne ingt... Tuhan bg kepandaian kpd seseorg supaya blh membantu manusia yg lain utk belajar... bukan kepandaian utk seorg je.. Tuhan x prnh jdkan manusia sbg org yg bodoh sejak lahir... tp Tuhan memberikan tahap pembelajaran yg berbeza kpd setiap org... ada yg cpat blajar n paham ada yg lambat paham n kene try hard utk belajar... dats y Tuhan mencipta manusia sedemikian kerana Tuhan hendak melihat sejauh mana kasih syg n sikap tlg menolong antara manusia yg diciptanya sbgaimana Tuhan membantu manusia begitulah Tuhan hendak manusia slg membantu... :)) so... bg yg pandai2 tu kna la tlg kwn2 yg krg pandai...
jgn la berlagak n sombong dgn kepandaian yg ada... myb one day org yg kurg pandai itu juga la yg akn membantu anda ketika ssh nnt... PIKIR-PIKIRKAN LAH...~~~


Feel really nervous that i'm going to exam exactly this friday.. 
Anxious...nervous....feel sick.. thrill... all mix feeling on my exam...

Reli cool rite? hahahha not cool at all actually cz its a last minute study...but its all my fault n my own choice that i wana study last minutes...but at least i dun blame others if i failed or x had gud result... hahahha no one to blame..u must realize ur own responsibility for ur own action...not others to blame...

With colorful font...i kinda like it..make me more interested to write more in the future...yeah...

well. i need to get back study...

Till then,


L.X a.N.d.R.a

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

~bla bla~

dunno wat to say


~wat would happen if i had change the setting??~ wondering mode

yeah!!! i had finally can change my font color!!! yesh!!!

*happy mode*

~mix n match design~

i wana the new design for my blog...i wondering how to make my blog looks more interesting? now my blog had somekind of fall theme.. with the flower n things lidat.. but...the background i want smt more pretty..i dun understand how to make my blog post space to be bigger.. n also i had probs to make my font change its color even i had tried a zillion million times n click to change the color but everytime i post it would turn back to dull black color..haiz...

till then,


L.X. a.D.r.A

Saturday, April 23, 2011 header~ yay

finally i had finish designing my blog header... its d easies way i guess...i think thr are still lotsa more that i need to learn to improve my header... i wan my pic look transparent..smt creative myb in the future.. hehehhe

i wana make the background more clearer after this... make it more sharp..but yeah..i'm still in learning process of my own blog... i x need ppl to teach me as i like learn things by my own.. its a satisfaction whn u r able to design ur own blog..i admit i'm not expert in term of blog designing but at least i had tried my best.. heheheh

even though its not beautifully done but i guess thats it for now..

till then,


L.X. a.N.d.R.a


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